Here I list the "record of the week" (often a few records), which I listen to repeatedly all week long while I work, letting the music seep deep into my mind, and painting my activities with a color that I will forever remember whenever I later recall each piece. I also post other thoughts on music here too.


I possess a large amount of music that I have not yet listened to, and I'm in the process of digging into it. However, I would not like to review music here as I listen to it, as then I would be forcing reactions in order to find something to say. Rather, I would like to allow the music to sink into my skin and bathe my experiences in it. I am convinced that there is something complex about the tones and arrangements of music and how the mind perceives them that is able to extract emotions from them. This is how music engraves itself upon the experiences we have at the time we first hear it, like a good strummy guitar ballad to remind us of a fleeted summer love, or the chill sombre reverb to resonate with the barrier of the windowpane between a heated apartment and the snow outside. Music takes us places, and I hope to uncover here some of the music that has been able to take me somewhere. Perhaps the music that doesn't produce this effect was first listened to at the inappropriate time, or perhaps some music doesn't move people because they lack certain perspectives to coincide with what a music contains. However, the burn-in effect of most musics is a beauty of life that, in my opinion, transcends the emotional effects of other arts because of the inescapability of music's grasp.

I once was at a Godspeed You Black Emperor! performance by myself at the height of my panic disorder; terrorized by the shrill blares of sound and the ineffectiveness of the medication I'd just imbibed, I oscillated between the back of the crowd and the exit, as I contemplated leaving the show altogether because the feeling of calamity in the music was too intense and I began to have a panic attack. I stayed because a woman took me by the hand and brought me all the way up to the front row where we held each other tightly to withstand the emotional force of the experience.

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I study photosynthetic microorganisms.