Here I list the "record of the week" (often a few records), which I listen to repeatedly all week long while I work, letting the music seep deep into my mind, and painting my activities with a color that I will forever remember whenever I later recall each piece. I also post other thoughts on music here too.


Peter Wright: At Last a New Dawn


Xenis Emputae Travelling Band: A Selenographic Lens
Taiga Remains: Beehive Sutra
Phasen: Yesterday Was Tomorrow
Red Sparowes: Aphorisms


Yellow6: Sthlm
I learned about Yellow6 originally from a 3way split album that included Rothko, and unfortunately, I haven't been able to separate their styles from each other. Thus, I'd characterize this as also whirring reverb and melancholic delay, mostly relaxing, slow, mostly electric, pseudo-chamber, definitely slow wordless post-rock. I've been seeking out more post-rock lately, if you haven't noticed.
Vodka Soap: Shee-Ro Gatewy Temples
Oh, the ineffability! Find this, if you think you're hip. If you are on a spiritual quest, if you are a psychedelic warrior, a perambulant wonderer, a salivating postmodern, a fancy genre-fucker, a cigarette-smoking musicologist... or just, you -- yeah you! find something by Vodka Soap, drink some wine, and just fucking DEAL WITH IT. The people passing by my bedroom at the co-op I've been residing at, no doubt, hated the stretched out slow drone that leaked out of my tiny study cavern. But I bet if you got them to sit and endure it, they'd love it. Maybe not. Maybe I'm just a complete weirdo, who has fucked his ears up from listening to Sonic Youth's "the diamond sea" over and over again as a teenager, when everyone else was listening to butt-rock and Weezer. But there is something definitively holy here, and, hey, I don't believe in metaphysical things.


Rothko: Eleven Shades of Intervention
I forgot about this group for a long time. This is amazing stuff. Somber bass-driven sparse reverb delay and shimmer. Whirring, sighing, undulating, trembling. It was perfect for the three-hour walk I took along the ocean while in Pacific Grove for a microbiology conference. Oh, I yearn for more music like this. And I learned how incredible music can be if you listen to it in the proper setting.
Steve Gunn: Rif
It's been a while since I listened to any GHQ or Steve Gunn. I like this a lot. It's no different from the rest, but it's good sometimes-acoustic fingerpicked guitar psychedelia, some guest humming and moaning, and plenty of Eastern angles for the lovers of mystery.


Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen
I went to see the Japanese film, Zigeunerweisen, at the Pacific Film Archive. This musical piece was a central theme and even plot item of the film. Great film, but moreover, great piece of music. I ended up downloading every version I could get my hands on. One version actually played an arrangement that included gypsy instrumentation, and that one (James Last, not the techno version though) is highly recommended. So are the ones with less orchestra, such as Simon Hewitt Jones, Sandor Lakatos, Arthur Grumiaux. Please, if you have any recommendations of music like this, let me know; it's really fabulous.
Machinefabriek: Marijn
This group collaborated with Jasper TX on one of the albums from last week, so I decided to check them out. I know nothing about them. But I like it. Whirring somber post-drone post-rock. (Gosh, why do I let myself drop such apellations?!!!)

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I study photosynthetic microorganisms.