Here I list the "record of the week" (often a few records), which I listen to repeatedly all week long while I work, letting the music seep deep into my mind, and painting my activities with a color that I will forever remember whenever I later recall each piece. I also post other thoughts on music here too.


Emeralds: What Happened
Suddenly, Emeralds are playing some stellar stuff. I always enjoyed their ambient space drone, which is very enveloping and languorous, but it buzzed a bit too much. I don't mind noise, but the older stuff seems a bit nondescript (if using noise, it should be used gloriously for texture, for instance, like Starving Weirdos tend to do, or Zaimph). But the latest recordings from this year, as evidenced by this record are a twinkling magical gem (perhaps a green one?!) It suits well for sleep, for kitchenry, study, bicycling, and meditation. Multiple listens do not dull it, and it is much less drowsy than their older stuff. In a way, it reminds me of Ash Ra Tempel's less-folksy stuff.

(notable bike record):

Panda Bear: Person Pitch
Wow. I put off listening to this because I have not been enjoying the direction that the Animal Collective albums have been going in (too cluttered and inelegant, despite their growing repertoire for sound). But, this solo album is bliss. Some of it is obviously looped samples that come in and out and are sung over. The segues between the melodic parts are sublime. There is a lot of EXTRA reverb on the vocals, and personally I love it. It makes it sound more like a Beach Boys relic than modern stoner hipster pop.

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I study photosynthetic microorganisms.