Here I list the "record of the week" (often a few records), which I listen to repeatedly all week long while I work, letting the music seep deep into my mind, and painting my activities with a color that I will forever remember whenever I later recall each piece. I also post other thoughts on music here too.


Yellow6: Sthlm
I learned about Yellow6 originally from a 3way split album that included Rothko, and unfortunately, I haven't been able to separate their styles from each other. Thus, I'd characterize this as also whirring reverb and melancholic delay, mostly relaxing, slow, mostly electric, pseudo-chamber, definitely slow wordless post-rock. I've been seeking out more post-rock lately, if you haven't noticed.
Vodka Soap: Shee-Ro Gatewy Temples
Oh, the ineffability! Find this, if you think you're hip. If you are on a spiritual quest, if you are a psychedelic warrior, a perambulant wonderer, a salivating postmodern, a fancy genre-fucker, a cigarette-smoking musicologist... or just, you -- yeah you! find something by Vodka Soap, drink some wine, and just fucking DEAL WITH IT. The people passing by my bedroom at the co-op I've been residing at, no doubt, hated the stretched out slow drone that leaked out of my tiny study cavern. But I bet if you got them to sit and endure it, they'd love it. Maybe not. Maybe I'm just a complete weirdo, who has fucked his ears up from listening to Sonic Youth's "the diamond sea" over and over again as a teenager, when everyone else was listening to butt-rock and Weezer. But there is something definitively holy here, and, hey, I don't believe in metaphysical things.

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I study photosynthetic microorganisms.